Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Technology Menace

“Ford technology allows car to park itself” this is the headlines on The Gulf News business section I read few minutes ago. Congratulations Ford!!! For your another feat, for another important step towards making we humans further dumber by not making us use our brain for simple task like parking a car.

Driving is already made so easy with automatic transmission. You don’t have to stretch your brain to learn simple hand and feet coordination to drive old stick shift car. It is so dumb and old fashioned!! Isn’t it?

A kid doesn’t have to learn and understand, how to calculate as simple as the square root of 5+4. A simple inexpensive calculator makes it so easy, with just few clicks. For the annual biology project submission, your child need not strain his brain in the library, everything is so easily available in the Google. Just put the right key words and press Enter and there you have elaborate readymade content. Why to waste time in the library when you can plan another game on the play station in that time.

We stopped writing letters anymore. Emails, sms and mobile phones are so easy. Our fingers strain and pain when we hold the pen to write a simple one page letter, these days.

I might sound like an old, technology averse person. I don’t mind if you call me so, because I still believe, working hard ways makes us more strong fundamentally. I would still prefer to use my fingers to calculate the simple numbers, rather than use a calculator. I would prefer to use stick shift car and use my own senses to parallel park my car. I would love to go to a library and sit there in a silent corner, enjoying the typical smell of hundreds and thousands of books, and come across various other interesting intelligent subject matter, while searching for what I need. I would love to sit and write letters to my family and friends, not because I don’t know how to send emails, but to give a personal touch of my bonding with them.

My love for technology is limited to make me work smarter, rather than making me dumber person. Technology supports me, not governs me.

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